Reina • 2024-04-15 07:08:47 News [nextstring]Let's start with the fact that bot support is still **working**. Nobody **plans** to **turn off** the bot completely. [nextstring] [nextstring]*News comes out rarely now, as there are no major updates.* [nextstring] [nextstring]> **The following changes have occurred since the last news was published:** [nextstring] [nextstring]<:reina1:1229278858738663505> In the **premium** subscription **commands** have been added for **delayed messages** `/delayed create` `/delayed view` [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Renamed** the `/openai` command to `/openchat`. We currently do not use models from openai, so answers and generation times may vary [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Musical** part of the bot **improved**. Now if the **user** who turned on the music **disconnected** from the voice channel **for more than a minute**, the bot **automatically disconnects** from it [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Music search** is carried out through **soundcloud**. Please keep this in mind when using. Links to **spotify supported**. [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Transcript added** for tickets. It is **automatically generated** after the ticket is **closed** and **sent** into the channel with **logs** of tickets. To view the transcript on the site, the user must have **permissions to read messages** in **this channel**. They can be **configured on a role** or on **the user himself** [nextstring] [nextstring]• The `/snowflake` command is now **available without premium**. She was in this category by mistake. [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Fixed paginator** pages in some commands [nextstring] [nextstring]• The `/slowmode` command applies **to all channels**, except forums [nextstring] [nextstring]• The `support` channel has been deleted on the support server. Now only <#892401797266825246> is used to contact support
Reina • 2023-08-30 14:37:12 Website update [nextstring]**The site has moved to a new domain [](**
Reina • 2023-07-12 07:19:55 Important news! [nextstring]This is so important that it's posted by a bot and not a Discord newletter function. [nextstring]Many admins and users still do not understand exactly how some features of the bot work, because they are not intuitive. [nextstring] [nextstring]So we decided to create a small guide on the most basic and difficult to understand commands on the gitbook. [nextstring] [nextstring]
Reina • 2023-06-21 18:01:19 Bot update [nextstring]*Wow, another update next day...* [nextstring] [nextstring]**Added invite logger** [nextstring]• Configuration is currently accessible only through Discord using the command `/config invitelogger_channel` [nextstring]• `/invites view` - view the amount of invites of users who remained on the server after joining [nextstring]• `/invites reset` - reset invite statistics for the entire server or for a specific user [nextstring]• A section with invited users has been added to `/top` (*Appears only if the logger is enabled*)
Reina • 2023-06-20 13:49:30 Bot update [nextstring]*News once a year...* [nextstring] [nextstring]And so, in fact, the **patch note:** [nextstring] [nextstring]• Started **transition** to a new **username system** [nextstring]• **Fixed** some bugs in the **giveaway system** (`/giveaway`) [nextstring]• **Fixed** some bugs in the system of **subscriptions** to **YouTube** channels. (*Previously, stream notifications could come multiple times per stream*) [nextstring]• **Added** the ability to **automatically** publish posts to **starboard** based on the **minimum amount of reactions** (:star:) that the server admin can **configure** using the `/config starboard_min` [nextstring] [nextstring]*Also made some minor fixes in bot translation, temporary ban system, anti-raid*
Reina • 2023-05-05 18:51:59 Bot update [nextstring]*Long time no news...* [nextstring] [nextstring]During this time, the bot managed to get verified, but this is not the main reason why this post came out. [nextstring] [nextstring]**GPT-3.5 from OpenAI has been integrated into the bot** [nextstring] [nextstring]The function is in test mode, so it is only available on servers with a premium subscription. To try out the new functionality, you need to create a forum channel. Next, use the command </openai configure:1104066775592751124> to set up this channel and create a post there with an automatically generated tag. The bot remembers the context of your conversation, but only the last 9-10 of your messages.
Reina • 2023-03-19 12:29:06 Bot update [nextstring]**Added a new type of captcha - text captcha** [nextstring] [nextstring]Appears in the discord itself, no need to go anywhere. [nextstring] [nextstring]*Easier to solve than math problems.*
Reina • 2023-03-17 18:40:22 Bot update [nextstring]*Small update for better embson usage* [nextstring] [nextstring]**Added command </embed:1083761552215244862>** [nextstring]When you call the command, you will see a menu for creating an embed. [nextstring]I think that is a cool and usable thing so I published the source code on my [GitHub]( [nextstring] [nextstring]**Most of the input parameters via messages are transferred to modal windows for embson command group**
Reina • 2023-02-23 14:30:22 Bot update [nextstring]*Small update including a couple of fixes and new commands* [nextstring] [nextstring]**Added 2 commands for managing custom roles created with turnkey:** [nextstring]• </role transfer:1041676282246729745> - transfer the role owner to another user [nextstring]• </role delete:1041676282246729745> - delete a role created with turnkey [nextstring] [nextstring]`/neural_art` command renamed to </ai draw:1078272833332989989> [nextstring] [nextstring]*Fixes affected the system for creating votes, the musical functionality of the bot, the notification system for videos and streams from YouTube*
Reina • 2023-02-15 19:00:36 Bot update [nextstring]*Well, to be more precise, the update of the AI*⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ [nextstring] [nextstring]**Added 3 additional optional arguments to the </neural_art:1075437874306101279> command**: [nextstring]- `negative_prompt` - tags that tell neural networks what not to draw [nextstring]- `width` - the width of the generated image [nextstring]- `height` - the height of the generated image [nextstring] [nextstring]**Slightly improved the visual display of the queue**
Reina • 2023-02-11 21:36:24 Bot update [nextstring]Added the ability to generate art in an AI for premium servers [nextstring] [nextstring]</neural_art:1074030312213979177> is registered as an **NSFW command**. Yes, we didn’t cut out such an feature, but the command had to be registered that way [nextstring] [nextstring]You need to specify **desired tags separated by commas** with a total length of **no more than 256 characters** to generate an image [nextstring] [nextstring]*Images are generated in 2:3 aspect ratio* [nextstring] [nextstring]Command example: `/neural_art anime girl, white hair, cat ears, red eyes`
Reina • 2023-02-05 15:42:14 Website update [nextstring]**Changed bot configuration panel** [nextstring] [nextstring]• Removed the ability to use the panel on mobile devices [nextstring] [nextstring]• A panel has been added to `Misc` to select the roles that giving to user when he joins the server [nextstring] [nextstring]• Added tabs `Antiraid`, `Antinuke`, `Permissions settings`, `Ranking system`
Reina • 2023-02-02 19:53:08 Bot update [nextstring]*We continue to improve moderation* [nextstring] [nextstring]**Update in the anti-raid system** [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Lockdown mode added.** [nextstring]</antiraid lockdown:1070733271048126545> - enable or disable the lockdown mode [nextstring]Activating this mode results in a forbidding to sending messages for users in all channels [nextstring] [nextstring] [nextstring]• Added settings for **automatic raid detection based on the number of mentions** for a selected period of time. Detection will result in **lockdown** of all channels. [nextstring] [nextstring]</antiraid mention_trigger:1070733271048126545> [nextstring]*Do not forget to turn on this function in* </antiraid functions:1070733271048126545> [nextstring] [nextstring] [nextstring] [nextstring]***Lockdown mode only changes permissions to the standard role on the server (@everyone). Keep this in mind when setting permissions on your server***
Reina • 2023-01-29 13:30:38 Bot update [nextstring]*Added some entertainment commands* [nextstring] [nextstring]> **Music commands back to work** [nextstring]• The current track provider is **Spotify**. If ever **YouTube** allows it to be used as a content provider, we will return support for it [nextstring]• A **previous track button** was added to the **control panel** of the player [nextstring]• The player has not been finalized yet, so it is only available to servers with a premium subscription as a beta feature [nextstring] [nextstring]> **Arts** - As an experiment, added commands to get random art by tag [nextstring]• </art default:1069198203825696839> - Get **regular** art by selected tag [nextstring]• </nsfw:1069198203825696840> - Get **NSFW** art by selected tag (`using an experimental discord feature that only allows this command to be registered in NSFW channels`) [nextstring] [nextstring]> The bot was divided into several shards, which *in theory should speed up* its work
Reina • 2023-01-27 15:00:19 Bot + website update [nextstring]*New verification method* [nextstring] [nextstring]• **The `/set rules` command has been renamed to </set verify_button:1041676282246729743>** [nextstring]Also a new argument has been added to the command - the choice of the verification method itself. [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Added command </config verify_method:1041676282305445951>** [nextstring]In case you already have verification button on the server, but would like to change its method. The site also added this selection option to the server control panel. [nextstring] [nextstring]• **The same verification methods:** [nextstring]- `No` (Normal button press) [nextstring]- `Math problem` [nextstring]- `Via website captcha` [nextstring] [nextstring]• **To [Embedbuilder]( added support for marking timestamps** [nextstring]You can find examples [here](
Reina • 2023-01-25 21:22:21 Bot update [nextstring]*Small update with expected features* [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Added `/reactionroles` command subgroup** [nextstring]</reactionroles add:1067864884005589002> - add a reaction to messages for giving roles [nextstring]</reactionroles remove:1067864884005589002> - remove reactions from the message intended for giving roles [nextstring] [nextstring]• **Added a subgroup of `/onjoinroles` commands** [nextstring]</onjoinroles add:1067864884005589003> - add a role to the list of roles which giving when user join a server [nextstring]</onjoinroles remove:1067864884005589003> - remove role from the list of roles which giving when user join a server [nextstring] [nextstring] [nextstring]**ATTENTION** [nextstring]The project team **does not recommend** to use system with roles for reactions **as a verification** on your servers
Reina • 2023-01-17 15:17:03 Website fixes [nextstring]• Fixed incorrect positioning of the panel on the page [Embed builder]( [nextstring] [nextstring]• Fixed formatting of text from the pages [News]( and [Embed builder]( on devices running iOS, macOS, etc. [nextstring] [nextstring]*Apple please add support for regex lookbehind*
Reina • 2023-01-16 15:02:45 Bot update [nextstring]*Very small update* [nextstring] [nextstring]To select a language in the bot, you now should use the command [nextstring]</config language:1041676282305445951> [nextstring] [nextstring]This was done due to the fact that on servers without community mode, it was impossible to select a region in the settings
Reina • 2023-01-05 08:19:22 Bot update [nextstring]*Another small update* [nextstring] [nextstring]• Fixed a new system of subscriptions to YouTube channels. Now the bot correctly sends broadcast notifications [nextstring] [nextstring]• Improved display of giveaways. A line with the number of winners has been added, and the end time of the giveaway has been changed into **timestamp** [nextstring] [nextstring]• Added subgroup of commands `/emojis` [nextstring]</emojis clone:1060422303046963282> - copy someone else's emoji to your server [nextstring]</emojis delete:1060422303046963282> - delete the selected emoji from your server [nextstring] [nextstring]• So a section of permissions to use a new subgroup of commands `EMOJIS` has been added to `commandroles`
Reina • 2023-01-04 16:43:32 Bot update [nextstring]• Improved system of subscriptions to YouTube channels. Now the bot sends notifications about the broadcasts of the authors [nextstring] [nextstring]• The subscription system itself has become partly free. You can subscribe to 20 different channels [nextstring] [nextstring]• The command </snowflake info:1060184439818297435> has been added to premium. Perhaps it will be useful for somebody. Although I doubt that anyone needs such information. [nextstring] [nextstring]**Only 2 servers took part in the New Year's event. Subscriptions renew automatically. Event ended**
Reina • 2022-12-13 16:15:48 Christmas event! [nextstring]**Commands added:** [nextstring]</xmas join:1052204974429458442> - take part in the event [nextstring]</xmas leave:1052204974429458442> - disable the event [nextstring]</snowflakes:1052204974429458443> - see your amount of snowflakes [nextstring]A new section has been added to </top:1041676282305445957> - top by the amount of snowflakes from users [nextstring] [nextstring]ㅤ [nextstring]**What is the point of the event?** [nextstring] [nextstring]The server administrator turns on the event mode (</xmas join:1052204974429458442>) and selects a channel where Christmas's gifts will be sent at a random time, which only 1 user can collect. [nextstring] [nextstring]**What gifts can I get?** [nextstring] [nextstring]• **120** Coins <:fastcoin:1003586063547252787> [nextstring]• **20** Snowflake <:snowflake:1052207845266952282> [nextstring]• **Timeout** for 15 minutes <:mute:1003373697933000824> [nextstring] [nextstring]**What do snowflakes give?** [nextstring] [nextstring]**3 servers** that collect the **most snowflakes** during the event will receive a **premium** subscription for **3 months**. Also, server owners can reward users who collect the most snowflakes themselves. You can view server statistics in </top:1041676282305445957> (you need to enable event mode first)
Reina • 2022-12-08 16:44:21 Bot update [nextstring]Added </antiraid:0> system [nextstring] [nextstring]• </antiraid on:1050398659814105160> - Turn on Anti-Raid system [nextstring]• </antiraid off:1050398659814105160> - Turn off Anti-Raid system [nextstring]• </antiraid functions:1050398659814105160> - Manage Anti-Raid system settings [nextstring]╰ By this moment Anti-Raid system supports analyzing accounts, [nextstring]ㅤ registered less than 1 day ago, without avatar and with link- [nextstring]ㅤ invite into other servers [nextstring]• </antiraid view:1050398659814105160> - View current settings of Anti-Raid system [nextstring]ㅤ [nextstring]ㅤ [nextstring]Also had to cut the </shop:0> system, almost no one used it, and it partially violated the rules of **Discord Developers ToS**
Reina • 2022-11-20 17:32:49 Bot update [nextstring]Added giveaway system [nextstring] [nextstring]</giveaway create:1043885777953767424> - create a giveaway [nextstring]</giveaway end:1043885777953767424> - finish the giveaway ahead of schedule [nextstring]</giveaway catalogue:1043885777953767424> - view the list of active giveaways on the server [nextstring]</giveaway delete:1043885777953767424> - delete the giveaway without choosing winner(-s) [nextstring]</giveaway reroll:1043885777953767424> - reroll the giveaway [nextstring] [nextstring]After the end of the giveaway, the reroll can be done until the next Friday, otherwise giveaway will be inactive [nextstring] [nextstring]If you want moderators to create giveaways, add `GIVEAWAYS` to </commandroles:0>
Reina • 2022-11-18 16:42:45 Premium update [nextstring]Starting today, premium can only be purchased for **month, 3 months or a year**. [nextstring] [nextstring]Servers that **previously subscribed** received it until **February 10, 2023**
Reina • 2022-11-18 15:38:40 Website update [nextstring]Added **API** for developers who would like to use information from the bot about their server in their applications [nextstring] [nextstring][More]( (Clickable)
Reina • 2022-11-17 14:17:15 Bot update [nextstring]`1.` **Commands renamed:** [nextstring] [nextstring]</money statistic:1042746115591782420> `=>` </economic statistic:1042746115591782420> [nextstring]</tags view:1042746115591782421> `=>` </tag:1042746115591782421> [nextstring] [nextstring]`2.` **Added commands to manage blacklist of ticket users:** [nextstring] [nextstring]</ticket blacklist add:1041676282368372806> [nextstring]</ticket blacklist remove:1041676282368372806> [nextstring] [nextstring]`3.` **A new type of permissions `TICKET`** has been added to </commandroles:0> [nextstring] [nextstring]This type of permission allows you to **set a ticket button** on bot messages, and also **gives access** to a subgroup of commands </ticket blacklist:0>
Reina • 2022-11-14 14:47:53 Website update [nextstring]*It's not really an update, but whatever...* [nextstring] [nextstring]**The site has moved to a new domain** [](
Reina • 2022-11-03 20:41:26 Bot update [nextstring]Added new user commands. By clicking on a user in the **Apps** tab, you can access a modal window for **Ban**, **Mute**, **Warn**
Reina • 2022-11-03 18:11:44 Bot update [nextstring]All bot functions have been translated into English by 99% [nextstring] [nextstring]To select a language, go to [nextstring]**Community** -> **Overview** -> **Server primary language** [nextstring] [nextstring]Command prompts are based on the selected language in your **Discord** client. [nextstring] [nextstring]The site has also been translated, the standard is set to English. To change it, click on the last button in the side menu [nextstring] [nextstring]*Well, from now on, news will be published in two languages*